How keeping things real powers E.ON’s sport for good strategy


How keeping things real powers E.ON’s sport for good strategy

Frank Lawley our Commercial Director, and Scott Somerville, Director of External Affairs at E.ON UK, spoke to SportsPro recently about how E.ON’s Sport For Good initiative is creating lasting impact.
Frank Lawley
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Published on
February 20, 2025

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One of the things I’ve really liked about working with E.ON is that it goes beyond the surface level of what you’d expect an energy company to be doing—it’s about the why,” says Frank. “Why are you doing this? It’s not just about sustainability; it’s about the community and societal impact. And ultimately, that strengthens E.ON’s brand in a way that truly matters.”

By prioritising real purpose-driven partnerships, from making grassroots football clubs more sustainable with the FA to championing diversity in motorsport through Veloce Racing, E.ON UK is proving that their Sport For Good initiative isn’t just about their words and headlines, but about their actions and the opportunities it builds.

Read more here.

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