Vixen Labs creates virtual assistant for Human Touch massage chairs

Conversational design

Vixen Labs creates virtual assistant for Human Touch massage chairs

Conversational AI specialist Vixen Labs, part of creative business House 337, has won an assignment from massage chair specialist Human Touch to create a virtual assistant allowing users to interact with the apparatus.
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Published on
June 3, 2024

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Human Touch is a leading US producer of massage chairs. Users and owners of the products select massage programmes and adjust the chairs through a mobile app or a remote control.

Vixen Labs will create a voice component for the existing Human Touch app which will offer users an intuitive and relaxing way to operate their chairs at home by interacting with the voice-activated Virtual Therapist. Virtual Therapist’s high-level conversational abilities will resemble interactions with a real-life massage therapist.
As well as guiding users to find the best massage programs, Virtual Therapist will help them to select the ideal focus, intensity and duration of massage without the need to press any buttons.

Vixen Labs is working with the Human Touch team to create a minimum viable product (MVP) to allow testing for future developments. Virtual Therapist will be launched for the Super Novo 2.0 and Super Novo X, the most advanced in the range of massage chairs from Human Touch.

"Virtual Therapist effortlessly weaves relaxation into a daily routine by helping users unlock a world of personalised massage experiences," says David Wood, CEO of Human Touch. "This remarkable technology underscores our steadfast commitment to innovation. We want to empower our chair owners to place wellness at the forefront of their lives like never before."

Jen Heape, co-founder of Vixen Labs, says: “This is a fantastic example of how an innovative technology – conversational AI – can make an experience more immersive and intuitive. By taking away the need for a screen or remote, using instead the power of conversation, we can make the experience more natural, delightful and indeed, human.”

The voice assistant will be launched globally, while the main market is in the US.

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