Made in the Royal Navy

Made in the Royal Navy

Challenging people to imagine a better version of themselves.

Challenging people to imagine a better version of themselves.


The whopping amount we surpassed recruitment targets


Cost saving


Interest levels were ten times higher than in previous years, and call centres had to more than double their staff to meet the increased interest

Our "Made in the Royal Navy" campaign transformed recruitment and exceeded targets by 300%.

The Royal Navy needed more recruits than ever, which meant creating a more powerful and broadly appealing recruitment campaign than ever before.

We believed our potential audience was stuck living at home with their parents, longing for a connection with the wider world.

The Royal Navy was the perfect solution to their frustration, offering opportunities for personal development that extended beyond geography and finances. The 'Made in the Royal Navy' campaign showcased the personal journey of a recruit, emphasising the value of personal growth over training, travel, and qualifications.

Through TV, print, and regional radio ads, we highlighted different roles. Deeper stories were shared through longer videos on platforms like YouTube, digital banners, and the website. Facebook facilitated 'Live Chats' with Royal Navy personnel.

This campaign has become a source of pride in British culture and the military. In fact, the outgoing Second Sea Lord, Sir David Steel, concluded his resignation speech with the statement, "I was born in Walthamstow, but I was made in the Royal Navy."

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