House Shares

Published on
December 15, 2024

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Jean de la Fontaine
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Welcome to House Shares! Your one-stop shop for valuable resources to read, watch, listen to, and learn from. Whether it’s insightful articles, inspiring podcasts, must-watch videos, or thought-provoking books, the content below has been carefully selected to spark ideas and keep you ahead of the curve. Dive in and discover something new.
On how a simple idea can be scaled
- The original Facebook employee handbook (that has never really been public). Not just for the contents but also for the simplicity in which an idea can be articulated.
- Read the original Facebook employee handbook [link]
On if and how AI will scale
- An always-useful annual presentation from Ben Evans. This time looking at the things that might inhibit how AI tools scale.
- Read Ben Evan’s 2025 presentation [link]
On what investors should worry about
- Every year since 2012, Larry Fink, the CEO of Blackrock, has written an open letter to investors. It is highly influential in the way companies operate and are held accountable. Some highlights from this year: there is no mention of ESG, but of energy pragmatism, and a real focus on the looming global retirement crisis and the economic realities of an ageing population.
- Read Larry Fink’s letter [link]
On how to negotiate (like your life depends on it)
- Learn from a former FBI hostage negotiator about a new, field-tested approach to negotiating in any situation.
- Watch Chris Voss talk about how to negotiate as an FBI hostage negotiator [link]
On the natural world (and the TV world)
- A fascinating interview with Chris Packham on how the natural world has shaped his life, how he wasn’t diagnosed with autism until he was 44, and how he finds it easier to talk to millions of people on TV than to one person in real life.
- Read the Chris Packham interview [link]
On neuroplasticity (and how we learn new things)
- This is a fascinating talk about how our brain is wired, how we can learn new things and how we can change.
- Watch this TED Talk from Dr Joe Dispenza [link]
On taking the longer view
- A good moment of reflection on the weird and wonderful connections that make the world we live in. How chewing-gum connects to OpenAI (for example).
- Read this cartoon of a butterfly effect [link]
On seeing things through the lens of sport
- A whole podcast to recommend – exploring politics and culture but always through the lens of sport.
- Listen to this episode on black male voters and how youth sport builds leadership skills [link]
On what’s happening in our hood
- The recent approval for the new M&S Store, redevelopment of House of Frasers and the imminent arrival of Ikea say something about the state of ‘bricks and mortar’ retail but also the places we pass every day on our way into work
- Read this Drapers article [link]
On how AI can help bring more diverse viewpoints to news
- A good AI use case. The owners of the LA Times have created an AI Bias Meter to allow readers to understand that sources have some level of bias and to be able to “press a button and get both sides of the same story”.
- Read this Gizmodo article [link]
On how AI will change User Experience
- A scamper through where we’ve come from and where we might be going with technology, AI and user experience.
- Read this Stratechery article [link]
- Actually, on how tax policy can drive perverse outcomes, such as the burning of unsold goods to reclaim import duty. With the spectre of more tariffs on the horizon at what cost to the environment.
- Read this original primer from Vogue Business (the practice still goes on) [link]
On grief, hope and love
- Worth a read just for the writing. But also for the strength to embrace beauty and tragedy, hope and sorrow, love and loss with defiant humanity.
- Read David Frum’s article on his daughter and her dog [link]
On why innovation is overrated
- Rory Sutherland on the non-obvious ways brands can communicate their values and how behavioural science can help us understand how we make decisions and how we innovate.
- Watch Rory [link]
On storytelling
- A great interview with the storytelling expert who has coached people from Pixar to the BBC on how to craft stories so that the world listens.
- Listen to this podcast (and maybe then read Buster’s book Do/Story) [link]